New Hampshire

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Strength and Honour (open)
faithfulguardian 25 713 by The Author.
May 27, 2012 16:48:19 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling The Wandering Kind (Jack&Danny)
Katie 9 257 by faithfulguardian
Jan 30, 2012 14:09:09 GMT -5


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New Hampshire

New Hampshire is the first state to declare independence from the British, though it is a bit of a divided province. A lot of the citizen’s work revolves around working in mills, warehouses and ship yards, and there is a clear upper class and lower, working class order. New Hampshire is home to part of the White Mountains range, which hosts mountains such as Mount Washington, Mount Madison and Mount Adams, but its land also consists of mixed forests and lakes.
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